
Do I Really Need to Update My Salesforce?

Do I Really Need to Update My Salesforce?

We all know the old saying: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And we won’t argue the merits of this adage for a lot of scenarios — go ahead and keep using that coffee maker from 1995 or that ratty old broom that for some reason cleans your floors better than a mop. Heck, if those bootcuts make you feel more confident and comfortable, keep rocking them. We fully support that.

But when it comes to software that runs your business, contains sensitive customer data, and taps into the ever-changing landscape of the Internet…that’s a different story.

The idea of updating your Salesforce instance can feel overwhelming, but keep the following points in mind as you consider this latest release.

  1. Security: Regular updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities and threats. By keeping Salesforce updated, you can help protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  2. Performance: Updates can include optimizations and improvements that enhance your org’s performance. This can lead to faster load times, smoother operations, and an overall better user experience.
  3. New Features: Salesforce continually invests in developing new features and enhancements for their users. By updating your org, you can take advantage of the latest functionalities and stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and industry trends.
  4. Support: Salesforce provides support for the current version and the previous few versions of its products. If you're running an outdated version, you may not be able to receive support if issues arise.
  5. Integration: In all likelihood, your org needs to integrate with other systems, such as billing systems, EHRs for our healthcare folks, or other third-party applications. Updates can improve these integrations or introduce new ones, ensuring seamless data exchange between systems.
  6. Data Accuracy: Updates might improve the accuracy and reliability of data within your Salesforce setup. This is crucial for making informed decisions and providing high-quality customer experiences.
  7. Compliance: If you operate within certain industries that require compliance, such as HIPAA dependent healthcare, updates are particularly important. Updates may include features or enhancements that help you maintain compliance with these regulations and stay legally secure.
  8. Cost Management: While there may be costs associated with updating, such as time spent on testing and training, these can be outweighed by the long-term benefits. Running an outdated system may lead to inefficiencies, downtime, and potential legal fees if it results in non-compliance.

It’s important to keep your Salesforce org current with the latest release, even if that means navigating a learning curve or reworking a few of your processes to accommodate a new update. And the good news is, you don’t have to go it alone! We are here to support you if you need some help getting your Salesforce org up-to-date, determining best practices based on new or improved functionality, or whatever else it takes to set your business up for success. Reach out today to learn more!

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