
What do Microsoft, Amazon, and Google all have in common?

What do Microsoft, Amazon, and Google all have in common?

Other than being household name brands, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google all have one perhaps surprising thing in common: they’ve all lost over a billion dollars each on healthcare initiatives because they didn’t understand that healthcare tech just works differently.

For those of us who have run healthcare organizations, it’s something we see every day. We want to transform our businesses, but our security requirements make interoperability an order of magnitude more complex. In other industries, interoperability is a mere technical problem that most engineers can solve. In healthcare, interoperability kills business initiatives.

Have any initiatives like these died at your healthcare organization?

I don’t know about you, but after interoperability kills yet another initiative, it’s easy to feel defeated. There’s something that is just not right about it, because no other place in society needs transformation more than healthcare.

So, when a prestigious hospital client of ours asked us to help them optimize their pharmacy operations, it was a familiar story. They had 12 high-impact business initiatives to transform their organization, but because they felt so defeated, they only asked for one. It was a simple process, one that Salesforce handles at scale, but there was only one problem. The same problem that locks up every healthcare project: Healthcare Interoperability.

Thankfully for all involved, the Health and Life Sciences team at Kicksaw was the place to go in order to find some answers. They are a group of Salesforce Architects and Engineers with a passion for solving healthcare interoperability strategically. They also care about solving your current problem in a way that sets you up for success with all your future initiatives.

In healthcare, engineering is strategy.
  1. Build your company’s Secure Interoperability Platform
  2. Funnel in your Data Ingest Pipeline
  3. Iterate on the Use Case Analyzer to filter the right data to the right tool for the job

For this client, the team (1) built AWS middleware, (2) established connections with the Pharmacy Management Software, and (3) built a Use Case Analyzer. Check out the details of how they did it in this free download.

Using this innovative tooling, Kicksaw was able to efficiently identify the precise data points we needed to push into Salesforce, which allowed us to deliver on the initial initiative. Beyond simple delivery, though, it also gave us the data to build a predictable, cost-effective roadmap for them to tackle the rest of the initiatives they needed in order to transform their business.

This is just one of many examples of how Kicksaw creates practical, elegant solutions for our healthcare tech clients. Our extensive experience working with healthcare tech customers has given us a serious edge in the Salesforce HLS consulting arena, and we’re eager to continue building our roster of successful clients. If you are a healthcare professional in search of more efficient business processes, we can help. Fill out our Contact Us form at the bottom of this page, and one of our experts will be in touch.

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